Final Rating: 4.34. Finished 111 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Cesar de Jesus Fernandez Navarro

Description: Rookie is the new sheriff of the town. Moustache need to teach his the new rules

Experience: Apprentice

Time taken: 1 month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

With the walkcycles, try getting in some secondary motion so that everything is not hitting the same frame. On "there's no eating" the arm of the larger character is a bit linear in motion. It just goes straight out with no arc to the motion and the pose could be better. That is one "big finger" at the end! The hat coming off the smaller character looks like it's on a straight path back. Try adding more of an arc to it. I'd say in general, try shooting reference before you start.

David S. Rodriguez:

Good animation, but the characters could be colored in, and the timestamp can be distracting with some of the important bits and information in the form of movement or action has the numbers covering it all up. Still, good job!