Final Rating: 5.50. Finished 48 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Zain Soharwardy

Description: A guy takes a zombie away from civilisation to keep people safe to make use of the zombie but is it just the zombie that's being taken away?

Experience: student - 2 years

Time taken: 2 weeks on and off


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Cil Hoch:

The angles are a bit jarring

David S. Rodriguez:

Definitely good but some values on the characters or color could make it easier to see details of our characters from a mid- or long-ranged shot. Still, good job!

Richard Clark:

Ha... fun idea! I like the handheld look of this. So, did you film the background for this? Would like to see more weight to the right character's walk. Meaning a slight change in volume...seems pretty stiff. The smear frames are a nice touch!