Final Rating: 4.95. Finished 75 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Flamie

Description: two cowboys on the job so no eatins' allowed

Experience: 4 months of studying

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Michelle Muli:

Good work! I like your composition and camera movements. The facial expressions of your characters could use some work, especially the character with the blue scarf - for example, adding a more surprised look when the food gets smacked from his hands could give him a bit more emotion. The mouth shapes for lip-syncing on both characters could also be improved, then further pushed by using squash and stretch on the jaw and making the mouth shapes asymmetrical to give it a more cartoony feel. Lastly, I think making the slap faster at the end (and making the other character react to the slap with a bit more outrage) would match the energy portrayed in the dialogue itself. Otherwise, good job!

David S. Rodriguez:

Everytihng in this short is good and I like how slow the left-most character is to react and his expression is funny while the right-most character should have more a more violent reaction according to the audio. Still, this is a good short.

Richard Clark:

Lip sync needs improving. Your characters have no weight to them. Your quick camera closeup doesn't really help with your animation but it's fine. I like that you added some overlap to the hair of the one wearing the hat, but your body mechanics are not very good. I would recommend doing the "flour sack" animation to understand the body itself and how it should move. I would also shoot reference to study before going to animate a human character. And I would look into composition so that you're not setting up a scene that is so flat to camera.


Please make them kiss at frame 127.