Final Rating: 6.23. Finished 22 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Dobos Krisztina

Description: A snobbish private detective offers a small-time criminal a job on a case he can no longer solve without breaking the law.

Experience: I'm an animation student

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

The shot that starts at around frame 66, the character's arm slowly floats down. I would expect a bit of gravity taking place there. I like the grab of the arm at the end and the left character's reaction when the other lets go! Lip sync could improve. Example; around frame 92 when the left character says "try", I would expect to see the mouth go into a small pucker shape for the "tr" part.

David S. Rodriguez:

Great animation, but from frames 91 to 95 is too long for the brunette to be angry over a hand over the shoulder unless it was shorter, like in one or two frames. Otherwise, I like it very much!