Final Rating: 2.97. Finished 147 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kyle Elliott

Description: A guard and inmate talking

Experience: 3 months

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Caroline Grike:

I think the implementation of the third character adds a cool dimension to your animation although I think more time and focus should have been put into the characters who are speaking. I also really like how you are playing with shadows and lighting but next time I think these should be stretch goals to complete after polishing you animation. Your movements are floaty but I find filming accurate reference footage really helps with this.

Richard Clark:

I would recommend not competing yet and going back to do the "bouncing ball" and "flour sack" animation exercises to understand the fundamentals.

David S. Rodriguez:

There is a lack of arcs, and we only see one perspective and do not see the face of the guard. Also, there is no body, i.e. emotional, reaction from the guard which should be rememdied.


Romeo and Juliet? please no romance in prison.