(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Richard Clark:
Funny idea! I think you are lacking in a lot of areas when it comes to the principles of animation. My first question is did you act this out first? Some of the posing on the cowboy could be better. These rigs are great for Squash and stretch which you should consider on this piece. And when you don't animate the horse walk entirely, it shows even if it's off camera. And it looks like you're not animating the whole body of the cowboy. I noticed that just the spine (and even some spots only the top control) is moving with the motion of the head and arms. Don't just constrain the hand to the head. Needs movement.
Chrystina Woehler:
I really love the movement on the horse. It feels very fluid, and his expressions are fantastic! Since the cowboy is so central to the frame I think adding more movement, especially in the torso, would help him look less stiff. When riding the spine absorbs a lot of the motion, so even at a slow speed a bit more squash or rocking in the torso would make a big difference.
David S. Rodriguez:
Great story, animation, characters, and movements. I like this very much!
Animator: Joel Rigby
Description: The new Deputy knows he's in for a rough ride
Made using Gorgeous George and Malcolm from AnimSchool
Experience: 1.5 years professionally
Time taken: A couple weeks on and off