Final Rating: 4.09. Finished 118 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Caroline Grike

Description: Jon excitedly signs up for a personal trainer but quickly realizes he’s in trouble when his trainer turns out to be way more intense than expected

Experience: 2 years college experience

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

David S. Rodriguez:

Malcolm's actions are inconsistent and with too much tweening in his arms and torso at the beginning. Also, the Dude rig is not looking directly at Malcolm he did in Frame 171 at the very end. Otherwise, everything else is developed and Malcolm and the Dude could be pushed further to make this animation stronger.

Richard Clark:

Honestly, I would go back to the "bouncing ball" and "flour sack" animation exercises before attempting character animation. You need to learn the fundamentals first.