Final Rating: 5.11. Finished 69 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Nova Salazar

Description: Banter between two guys before they set off on their first quest together.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

The camera shots are good! However, the first shot could be tweaked a little by bringing the characters up in frame so that there is not so much negative space in the shot as well as shot 3. I see that you have some secondary motion to the walks at the beginning but try and add that to the bodies as well. For instance, offset the shoulders coming down to show more weight. The right character's arm at frame 209 looks broken. I would instead incorporate the body rotating in that direction to help with the pose. Some of the posing in general could be better. At frame 64 for example, the left character's arms are too close to the body



David S. Rodriguez:

Everything is full of incomplete lines which look too rough and unpolished to me, but at least the actions and timing are perfect and show off the characters' personalities. Good job, and I love the ending which made me laugh.
