Final Rating: 2.74. Finished 149 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: James

Description: A guard dog's first night shift at the butcher shoppe

Experience: beginner

Time taken: 6-9 hours (wasn't keeping a log)


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jazmine Vizcaino:

Hello, I liked your story's take on the provided audio from this November's competition. I'm assuming this is a "Guard a certain area of food within a shop" scenario; it was hilarious seeing the guard dog drooling at the sight of the variety of frozen meat. Animation is a challenge, but you're off to a great start. I'm guessing you used 2D rigs for your animation. Some suggestions I may have are drawing some in-betweens for the arm pointing and having it swing down in an arc. Another is reference footage. Did you use reference footage? If not, reference footage can be your friend and benefit you in finding how you'd want your animation to flow. Try to film yourself doing the actions you want your characters to do or look up reference footage that seems impossible for a human to do, like cartoony reference. The same applies to animals, like a dog. If you have a dog, film and train it to get the actions you want or look it up. Hope this helps.

Richard Clark:

Try adding motion to the body of the characters... think of the bouncing ball exercise. The character on the left is already a round object. Let's see some weight on the walk cycles. Simply moving the arm around is not enough. The arm is drifting forward at the end.

David S. Rodriguez:

Definitely not ready for the competition. background should not disappear into black at the end and the costumed character should not be moving his arm in a jittery manner unless there is a valid reason for it like anger or something.


TOP 1!!!!