(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Richard Clark:
In the first shot, the blue character is on the left of the taller character with the mustache, yet the next shot the taller character is looking to his right and it appears that he is looking behind him instead of at the other character. Did both characters suddenly just stop walking? I would have one of your camera shots show that they had just stopped and since the taller character faces the other way at the end from the direction that they were walking, I would certainly show him stopping and turning around to face the other. Why is the blue character in this position at frame 78? And the way he moves forward with his body and arm is strange. Anyways, thanks for competing!
David S. Rodriguez:
Definitely getting Ed, Edd'n, Eddy vibes, but I like the overall animation and think it could be pushed further with by having some hands for the mustachioed man in green to be seen towards the end when he yells, "Don't touch me!" along with quicker, exaggerated movement.
Animator: Kocsis Emma
Description: Two old timey fellas discuss their terms of work.
Experience: 1 year
Time taken: about a week