(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Hazel Azazel:
I'm digging the style, even though this seems to be at the animatic stage.
Richard Clark:
Good poses... My question is did you run out of time? Seems like it's just in the blocking phase and where are the eyes? Is that a style you're going for? Lip sync is not bad.
David S. Rodriguez:
Frame 27 should not have arrows, and I am not a fan of characters having no eyes to convey a lot of emotions. Still, the animation is good and I give it an overall score of 8/11 stars for the quality and solid drawing of the animation.
Animator: Sam Hughes
Description: A cheerful jock's introduction to strict job regulations set by a rude boss.
Experience: 2nd year Animation student at Uni.
Time taken: A week. (I did it last minute) Please ignore the fact I forgot about the walking sound lol.