(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Veronica Yap:
The arcs on this are fantastic! I love the way pose each character throughout. The biggest note I have is that the grab from the fox character is a bit of an odd choice since in the beginning they're at least a little shaken when the cat character comes in. I don't think there's anything wrong with the grab itself, it just might make the playful shift make more sense if they look slightly less threatened and potentially more amused at the start. For the cat character, I might open the ending pose and lean it back more to exaggerate how agitated they are.
Wonderful work!
Nice scene. Great animation.
Nick Haymond:
Jumpcut from 166-168 is not needed. Keep the shot going without needing to split it. Really solid acting and squash and stretch though!
Richard Clark:
Fun characters!! Not bad! I feel like the posing could be stronger in some areas. Did you shoot or have any reference for this? I noticed the hand to the hip at the beginning with the cat just looks like one pose throughout. I would flesh that out more. During the "you're not being paid..." I would try to involve the left shoulder more because the arm motions feel isolated to everything else. Also, there are times when just the top of the spine is moving but not the rest of the lower body to support. I like how you're using the ears and wiskers on the characters for overlap and some expression. I would try and use that even more in parts to express their personality. Lip sync could improve.
David S. Rodriguez:
This is excellent! The characters are moving believably and the interaction seems genuine. Definitely deserves the highest vote from me.
Muhundan Bala:
Not bad.
Around 180- 184 there is a cut happening. A bit unnecessary and kinda acts a bit like a jump-cut instead and breaks the flow of the animation.
Are you part of disney???
Animator: Lee Yu Kang
Description: Despite being bad at his job, Vixen remains completely unbothered by the consequences. He just want some snacks after all
Vixen is an Awesome Fox Rig to play around with, She is created by ALargeWoodenBadger!
Experience: 1 Year
Time taken: 1 Month