Final Rating: 8.43. Finished 2 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Dino Pai

Description: Done in TV Paint

Experience: 8 Years

Time taken: 2 Weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jazmine Vizcaino:

Hello. I like your clean rough animation, it fits the context of audio as well as your story. The only feedback I've got is, you know what your doing and you know the timing of each action line with your X-sheet. Would like to see a colored version of this, but oh well.
Great job anyway!

Richard Clark:

Too much back-and-forth movement on the tall character... I would have him walk one direction then settle into his pose at around frame 119. Also, why the runny snot?

David S. Rodriguez:

This is great, and I like the character dynamics, and that burger sure seems tasty.