Final Rating: 5.84. Finished 38 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jocelyn Djohan

Description: A strict, uptight head butler gives the clumsy but earnest new hire a lecture

Experience: A few months

Time taken: 3-4 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Did they stop walking? The walkcycles in general are missing some secondary motion; try using the shoulders a bit to convey weight and/or add a bit of drag to the hair. The lip sync is pretty good! When his tray moves back so quickly at around frame 243, I would expect the glass to fall or at least show that it was about to fall there instead of at the end.

David S. Rodriguez:

Frontal views are not a good idea in animation, but it works here because it establishes the spatial relationship between these two characters and I thought the glass was going to fall at the end. Also, there are broken lines but still, great job!