(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Michelle Muli:
This is a good animation! The facial expressions are fun, the setting is impressive with the moving car and background, and I like the slight shakiness of the camera to emulate driving. A couple of pointers - the mouth shapes for the lip-syncing could be brushed up a bit, especially for the character in the cap. You could also give that character something to eat so that it gives the second character more relevance when he says "There's no eating". For the character driving, placing both his hands on the steering wheel would make the driving a bit more believable (you could even go further and animate the fingers to make it seem more dynamic). Other than that, this is a pretty solid piece!
Richard Clark:
Posing needs improvement as well as other things. Did you shoot reference for this? A lot of this is sort of "swimmy/floaty" type of animation. Both also seem kind of small in the vehicle. I would scale them up a bit.
DongHun Kim:
nice BG
David S. Rodriguez:
One of the best animations in this competition, with the background moving accordingly so as to convey their road trip through the city while having an important talk, I assume. I love it so much!
Animator: SuJeong Son
Description: a quarrel in a car
Experience: 5 months
Time taken: 1 month