Final Rating: 4.50. Finished 102 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Antonio Marulevski

Description: I'm sorry it's still unfinished, but I spend so much time on this so I had to post it.

Experience: Second year student

Time taken: One month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

David S. Rodriguez:

It started off strong but began to become disjointed after frame 162. Everything looks unfinished and unpolished as the character outlines move wildly and we do not see the face of the man in black after frame 218 to the end when the scene dissolves into a white void.

Richard Clark:

Wow... rotoscoping! Seems like a cheat. I can't give this a high score.


It's an animation competition, not rotoscope.


Please finish it.