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Eating on the job

by Kat

Final Rating: 4.85. Finished 82 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kat

Description: Just two guys working at your local fast-food restaurant (Unfinished)

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: About 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

ronda crom:

6 stars

Muhundan Bala:

I think the rough animation needs polishing and also a final tie-down. + the lipscync could use some work.

Richard Clark:

Some of the lip sync is not finished. I guess you ran out of time. Try not to have everything land on the same frame but again, maybe you ran out of time and it's just in blocking stage. Strange motion with the left character's hands going up and down when they push the right character at the end?

David S. Rodriguez:

Animation needs to be polished, but still not bad.