Final Rating: 4.99. Finished 73 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kurtis Sniegocki

Description: cop first day on the job with his training officer

Experience: 1 year of school 2 years of personal projects

Time taken: 2 and a half weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

ronda crom:

5 stars

Richard Clark:

I like how the left character throws away his (juice box?) ...nice! I'd say the biggest issue you have in your piece is the lack of weight in the walk cycles. You're simply moving the characters up and down but not adding any secondary motion to it. Example: Maybe have the shoulders come down a little after the body reaches its lowest point to give a bit of secondary. The head could also add some secondary motion to the walks.

David S. Rodriguez:

Perfect! The timing, the distance, and the back-and-forth!