Final Rating: 4.28. Finished 115 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Albert Fazkeas-Illyés

Description: An old employee is training the new guy.

Experience: I am a student at a university

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

David S. Rodriguez:

Both characters should be colored black instead of blue against the empty white negative space. The characters are already well developed and I think their personalities could be fleshed out more by having a visual setting instead of an empty space. Still, it is decent and I see the effort put into it.

Richard Clark:

Not bad. When the character on the right says, "not right off hand", his motion where his whole body turns towards the other character is a bit strange... it's too much. I'd say next time shoot reference of yourself doing the motion. FYI... that is one long nose.