Final Rating: 3.62. Finished 134 out of 152 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Ethan.P

Description: 3D animation made in Maya2025
no detailing/colour
Used the NORMAN rig

Experience: I am a second year animation university student

Time taken: took me a week+ start to finish about 10 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

Not a good idea to have both characters in unison with their walking/marching animation. They should be slightly off of one another even if you're having them march together (if that was your intention). The bodies in particular I'm referring to. Plus, both are very stiff in the bodies.

Sam Hughes:

Try having their walk cycles be at different speeds, as both of them being in-sync looks a bit uncanny.

David S. Rodriguez:

Good, but their movements walk a little too coordinated and they are the same Norman rig. Still, good job!
