Final Rating: 6.64. Finished 13 out of 229 entries.

3,784 views including the voting period.


Animator: Tim G

Description: Mr Buttons gets immersed in virtual reality.

Experience: Student

Time taken: 3 weeks (including set)


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Mike Schanbacher:

Haha, cool concept!

Lucy Harris:

This is amazing !! Love the animation and the unique idea for the clip.

Conway Dobbs:

great love it. background. Lights. The story but history fight back part needs work and needs to be more clear. however so good keep it up. this is so nice to watch.

Vedanth Panchoo:

I was tempted to do something similar with VR, but I'm glad I didn't, because this is already better than what that idea was going to express.


Very original.


It looks really good, the lighting and rendering is vivid and has a lot of detail in the setting. However, I would like to have seen the other character in the shot to help tell the story.

Reinnard Bartholius Dinata:

very good

Richard Adams:

Love the idea! Beautifully rendered and lit. Animation is...not great (very slightly floaty?), but pretty decent overall.

Aidan Stokes:

Natural movement 10/10
Lighting 10/10
Lip sync 10/10
Animation principals 10/10

Curtis Cannon:

The animation seems pretty good but just take out all the camera movements, it distracts a lot from the animation!