Final Rating: 4.78. Finished 74 out of 142 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jeon Seok Bin

Description: pratice apologize

Experience: 2 Month

Time taken: 1 Month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

DongHun Kim:


Mau Morris:

0-45 The subtle upward motion of the torso to address the breath works for me, as well as the subtle head rotation and shoulder movement. It all gives a sense of weight to the head and with the eyes looking down, it clearly indicates that this is a sorrowful moment.

I like the mirror concept, but at 138 I'm lost on why there is another voice all of a sudden. If you were trying to portray two personalities from one person, I would try devoting one camera angle to each separate personality.