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11SecClub September Competition

by Branin W. Marshall

Final Rating: 4.12. Finished 74 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Branin W. Marshall

Description: Bunny Carmichael, main character of my webcomic, Destruction Inc., and her assistant, Penelope Nighyt, debate a trip Bunny is going to go on.

Experience: I've dabbled in Animation since 2005, I have a 2D Animation Degree from SCAD

Time taken: A few days worth over the course of the month.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Adams:

Extremely jittery motion.

ronda crom:

three stars here..........love the big vs. small character dynamic......somewhat ok moves in the first sequence....and then u need to follow A MODEL SHEET and layout suggested body moves .....know how the muscles and bones moves in each postistion of your characters is what i infur to...........suggest u study human anantomy very carefully, and then pracice moving circles, squares shapes, and retangle type shapes over say 500 frames of whatever animation program or if hand drawn analog........must know how to move your char's convincinly is what i strongly suggest from here on, if ya wanna....take 2-6 hours per day of practice is the true way to go.....

Connor O'Brien:

Love the art style, the anim is pretty messy though, might be good to practice timing and spacing

Louis M.F.:

Imma be real homes, saw the WIP on the forum and had my doubts but this polish is decent as hell, even if it doesn't add points it's pretty commendable. Nice touch with the chromatic abrasion.
Polish aside, while the base animations are a little jumpy the secondary animation is going haywire. My advice is collect some video footage of folks with long hair/braids dancing, running, or any other fast movement and get your studies in. Eat your vegetables before you get dessert so to speak.
Proportions change a little too much from frame to frame, but with some careful planning around separating your keyframes and tweens and keeping a rhythm going you could have some really smooth and pro-looking animations with this level of polish.
Also sorry man but I have to address it, the booty game too ridiculous even for me. I respect the rear inclination but sometimes you gotta tone it down ✌

David Nori:

I don't understand the set. The character with the glasses has some great design.