(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Louis M.F.:
Expressions and hand movements on the girl in blue are absolutely stellar, but the clip overall is getting held back by the girl in red's level of polish. Her full-body gesture was great, but just needed that extra polishing pass to bring her up to Blue's level.
A piece of advice my tutor gave me long ago that stuck with me was "If you don't have time to animate the fingers, don't emote with the hands." Sounds harsh but don't worry, we've all been there. If I were ye I would've quickly stuck her hands to her hips and made up for it with more shoulder movement when the deadline started looming.
Give yourself time to cook and focus your scope as the schedule demands, because I reckon anyone worth their salt can see you've got the makings of a damn fine animator
Richard Adams:
Nicely done. I recognize the Neka rig. Who's the other one? She's really appealing. Heh.
Leesha Mendoza:
Simplifying the body motions on both women could make this shot look a little more realistic,
Ezra Allen:
Not bad watch the clunky hands looks like constraint are causing you problems. Bad hands on hips pose.
Animator: LeeJuYoung
Description: You don`t speak French
Experience: 6 month
Time taken: 15 days