Final Rating: 5.42. Finished 37 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Saba Karseladze

Description: a teenage girl wants to go to Paris
her mom is skeptical and dismisses her enthusiasm.

Experience: I'm in animation for a decade now, but just 2 months into 3D anim

Time taken: about 14 days, not consistently


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Phongsakorn Khamchaisu:

I love the story, keep doing it.


much better to polish lipsync

Amelie Olima:

Smooth animation! The backgrounds are a little distracting so it would be good to either zoom in on the characters or blur out the background! The lip sync gets lost towards the end - use the lip controllers in order to create interesting mouth shapes! Have them blink too! Other than that, you have a good eye for interesting poses, keep up the good work!

Corin Anderson:

Something I'd say could be worked on is that with the way the animation cuts I don't really have a sense of the two characters being in the same space. The movements quite good though