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Phongsakorn Khamchaisu:
Richard Adams:
Top 10 entry IMO.
Louis M.F.:
Ol' lady's hand could've skipped the third pose (frame 56) to make the whole motion smoother. Nitpick aside you've got a banger of an artstyle (rare to see an eastern/western blend work so well) and great expressions, the girl's lean in+hand gesture has a real nice ease to it, absolutely devious. Great work on the hands, they're solid as hell, I actually reckon you're good enough at rendering hands to start stylising them (Check out Osamu Tezuka's hand sheets for inspo, I reckon they'd suit your style perfectly). Would love to see you practice with line weight because this style has legs. Keep it up!
Animator: Alexandre
Description: I hadn't done an exercise like that for a long time. There are things to pick up, I can see that. Progress is underway!
Experience: I've just finished school
Time taken: A little every evening over two weeks