Final Rating: 2.75. Finished 95 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Arely Hurtado

Description: Zoro shows Sanji his skills with the French

Experience: about a year o two

Time taken: 6 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Louis M.F.:

Nice work with the colours, but be careful directly referencing anime. I'm a bit of an anime fan myself, but keep in mind most Japanese artists balance lots of traditional life drawing with a few artist studies to develop visual shorthand of their own based on solid foundational skills. Have a go animating the lip sync on ones, it sounds like more work but you can get into the groove real quick, esp. with a mirror next to your desk to use your own face as reference. Good to see you paying attention to line weight! This is a great start, you've got a ways to go but you're obviously putting a good amount of thought into your work which is always good to see

David Nori:

Feels unmotivated and the characters don't embody the voices. Maybe they ate some fruit that made them female or made them sound female?