Final Rating: 3.30. Finished 86 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Atul Shukla

Description: a girl moves to France and is sure in herself to be fluent in french but is terrible at it in reality

Experience: little bit

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Frankie T:

it would be good if one of the characters looked more towards the camera for a bit whilst talking so that the audience is more engaged and there words are emphasised but great job!!!

Louis M.F.:

Good start, I can see you experimenting with fundamentals. The stretch on blueshirt's head from surprise is an interesting idea, but it's usually better to keep the head intact and save stretching for other body parts and faster movements, having her neck and shoulders stretch instead would've looked a little more natural. Have a go at laying out all your key poses before you animate more subtle movements, just so you don't end up with one body part moving while the rest stay stock still, or blueshirt's jarring head jerk when greenshirt says "French". On the other hand, the jerk of greenshirt's arm when she says "French" looks great.
Keep up the practice -- maybe get a little practice in with 2D animation before you move to 3D -- you've done some good work with blueshirt's facial expressions.

Leesha Mendoza:

a lot of pops and floating motion hapening... but cute idea of a scene