Final Rating: 5.63. Finished 33 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Heidi Gote

Description: A young woman who has been studying hard, trying to educate and qualify herself to get her dream job, is being let down by the arrogant boss of the company as she does not yet speak french.

Experience: graduated from AM, no other experience as of yet

Time taken: about 6 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Phongsakorn Khamchaisu:

I love the acting of the left girl at the end of the shot. but at the beginning, it looks like she's floating not walking.


nice cut in but should be better

Louis M.F.:

Decent animation this, I like the small details you've added to their movement. Could do with some tighter framing so we can see their expressions better, and their posing is a little conservative, try experimenting with pushing poses and expressions further and I reckon it'll take your animation to the next level

Ezra Allen:

Bit more wait on steps to desk, easy fix on the cog in graph editor

Joseph Rodriguez:

I don't know this person, but they got the stuff. They know what they're doing!