Final Rating: 4.46. Finished 63 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kuldip Mahato

Description: Participating in the 11 Second Club competition for the first time was an exhilarating journey. I submitted my entry with pride and felt part of a supportive community.

Experience: 3 months

Time taken: 78 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


nice light but animation looks liner

Leesha Mendoza:

Beautiful render and lighting... id love to see this animation fully polished, has great potential! :)

Connor O'Brien:

This could definitely benefit from closer camera angles to see the anim better with :)

Ezra Allen:

Needs weight

David Nori:

Linear interpolations

Joseph Rodriguez:

Amazing job on the render, but the animation is still a bit floaty. continue the great work and keep improving!