Final Rating: 2.52. Finished 105 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: William Spruyt

Description: Difficult discussions in the countryside.

Experience: Dabbling aimlessly for years

Time taken: 5 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


What does bugs have to do with dialogue?

Louis M.F.:

Truly terrifying (in a good way). This seems like a style you could really lean into for an indie project. Put some more work into the lipsync and balance out your smooth moves with snappy ones and this look could really take off in the indie scene. Personally I vibe heavy with it but it's missing a few key fundamentals that the pro industry would look out for. Apologies for the low rating, but I gotta try and stay objective, self-modelled rigs are always worth a commendation though ✌

Leesha Mendoza:

Interesting, kind of dark eh

David Nori:

Linear interpolations with no affect on the rest of the body