Sean Manning

Username: SeanManning
Karmojo: Has not earned any Karmojo yet.
San Francisco, CA
Forum Posts:
Voting Comments: 8
Web site:
Competitions Entered
Month | Title | Final Rating | Ranking | |
September Competition | "Our Little Secrets" | 9.58 | 1 out of 73 entries | |
July Competition | What Do You See? | 7.85 | 2 out of 103 entries | |
April Competition | "To Be A Child" | 5.94 | 26 out of 228 entries | |
January Competition | "Keep Off The Grass" | 5.16 | 22 out of 73 entries | |
December Competition | "Check Out the Crime Lab!" | 5.9 | 13 out of 70 entries |