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Animation Submission

by Tyler

Final Rating: 3.18. Finished 181 out of 195 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Tyler

Description: Rigs used was the Norman rig from resources.

Experience: I'm currently in a Digital animation and Game Design COurse

Time taken: 4 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


I feel like the rest of the body should move abit aswell and sometimes, its beneficial to be static or at least makes less dramatic movements.

Éloise Valiquette:

don't forget to remove all Maya interface elements when rendering. The fluidity of your movements is very good!

Simon Côté:

you can go check fundamentals of animation on youtube to improve your animations ;)

Zachary Lussier:

I think the overall animation can be better.

Anthony Abou Rezk:

I like this one, it looks nice, maybe go back over a few animation principles to make it better