(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Brian Rusnak:
Nice work! I like the twist between the two characters.
I think that adjusting the camera cuts would simplify the composition and make the twist more impactful. Instead of cutting between the characters, try animating the camera to move back from the initial shot starting at frame 221. This would keep the initial character in frame while introducing the 2nd.
Nice work, keep going!
James Harkonnen:
FIrst of all "side kick", not psychic. Your blocking isn't complete, and the rest is just not up to task. Keep practicing.
Prashant Makwana:
Needs a lot of improvement
Body movements are barely there. Try recording a reference video and copying the movements frame per frame.
Animator: Mayank Mahajan
Description: First person is trying to act in a room and was scared by some one else presence which he did not expect.
Experience: Beginner
Time taken: 1 week