Final Rating: 3.21. Finished 170 out of 201 entries.

29 views including the voting period.


Animator: Arthur Lambert

Description: A man killed a friend by mistake

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: 15 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Danny Kneip:

Yikes! Camera angle changed but the background didn't - a pity because the opening shot showed some potential (though the lighting is off). The lip sync needs quite a bit of polishing but the puppets are good looking and the expressions are believable.

Daniel Vasconcellos:

cool characters!

Divyam Chand:

Camera shift has a huge problem. The characters in both the shots shud be on the same side


i see diagon alley set from warner bro studio. as for the animtion it almost their it just need some work. the acting choice is fine but i dont feel like it lines up with the audio . if it lined up id have marked it higher but its a bit behind. the mouth shapes need a bit of work but over all well done. nice work :D

Ryan D Lowe:

Hi there.
When I was first starting out, no one ever
took the time to say anything on my shots.

I can't give you constructive feedback here,
as your work seems to lack an overall
understanding of the principles of animation.

However, I emplore you to seek out these
books, and began your studies.

"Character Animation Crash Course"-Eric Goldberg
"Acting for Animators"- Revised Edition
"How to Cheat in Maya 2012/2014"-Lutha Roy

There are many more, but these will get you
started. Best of luck on your journey!