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Invincible Mother Power

by Sushobhan Giri

Final Rating: 4.94. Finished 45 out of 88 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Sushobhan Giri

Description: Two devil characters were trying to kill a captured creature in a secret hut. The creature's mother found the hut and kicked the wall, causing a plank to fall on a devil's head. The creature escaped and teleported to his mother, who then broke the hut.

Experience: 1 year

Time taken: 60 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Marc Daviau:

I believe that you should have focused on animating only one character.

Steve Reach:

You spent far more time on effects and making it look pretty rather than focusing on the main guy talking, who we barely see. It does look pretty, but we're missing the focus. Too much going on in the scene.


Nice attempt...far too much going on though...distracting.

Joshua D:

Im not sure whats happening here

Luca Cajeux:

Got clear skill but the animation is so busy and weird and I don’t know where to look. Leamr to refine and edit down

Subhra Sankar Das:

Nice effects & color, need more detailed acting in facial parts, good job

ronda crom:

if this were total hand drawn...........then think how much more spectacular this would be...IMO...sorry to just give a 5 star for such, as this is waaaaay too confusing



Stef Smith:

Best concept....... :)


Animation and vfx are awesome.

Bola baklo:


Rajesh Roy:

mind blowing..


amazing ....... wow..



Rajendra De:


Emli sen:

Background is superb..

Alia singh:

wow..what a concept.....

