Final Rating: 7.88. Finished 2 out of 88 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Ranajoy Mitra

Description: thought about animating this shot, a soldier who describes his kills and fighting skill he does in the battle field.
This is my 1st ever entry in 11seconds club, I often follow the monthly challenges and get inspired by them. Hope to animate more.

Experience: 9 years

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Paula Serrano:

I really like this one. Is top 3 for me. I like the movements and poses. In general is well synchronized.

If I have to to nitpick, what I find weird is the choice of movement during the line "like the twist, ever do the twist?", the rest of poses and movements feel fitting each line in the audio very well for me, except for that one.

Anyway just saying that in case you want improvement tips to help you be even better. You did a great job, congratulations!

Rahul Roy:

Your concept does not match the voice. Why is he counting?



Tykia Lumpkin:

The expressions and movement are KILLER!!! 10/10 would watch again!!!

Subhra Sankar Das:


Koushik Patra:

your concept is not matching with the voice and body movement is not like a real human. Why he is Counting, so please make a relatable concept.

Neloy Biswas:

Excellent work..Loved the body mechanicas and weight and secondary animation.. Would have loved a little palm and finger animation at the end insted of keeping it stiff.. overall looks excellent.. clearly the winner for this month