Final Rating: 4.06. Finished 76 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Ruzanna Ayvazyan

Description: Dialogue in the office between two employees

Experience: 1.5 year

Time taken: 10 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Louis M.F.:

The animation itself is pretty good, but have a go at balancing fast and slow movements to give their movements more variation. Experiment with easing to alleviate the floaty look, having downward motions accelerate faster and upward motions accelerate slower gives characters a lot more weight, makes them feel more grounded. Would also be good to tighten the camera so we can see their expressions more clearly. Lip sync needs a little more detail for the subtler syllables as well. Nice work on the lady in orange handling the book, has a good amount of realism to it.

David Nori:

Linear interpolations and equal spacing