Final Rating: 4.12. Finished 74 out of 117 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: enrique

Description: Animation of Alpha and Ahsoka, Agora Community rigs

Experience: Not Much

Time taken: 20 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Frankie T:

Maybe just work on lighting? Because one character is over expose and the other too dark. But I like the creativity in characters and scene.

Louis M.F.:

Rad stuff, camera work needs a little work but find some good composition reference from movies and you're laughing to the bank.
Movement is a little abrupt but you've got some solid foundations. Keep working from reference and pushing yourself because you're on a good track

Corin Anderson:

Maybe it's a matter of preference, but the constant camera movement was quite distracting